Naturally Supernatural May 22, 2016 David Stark S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence
Speaking the Truth in Love May 15, 2016 David Stark S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence
Persevering in Love May 8, 2016 Mike Dotson S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence
Speaking Words of Life May 1, 2016 David Stark S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence
Serving Others April 24, 2016 David Stark S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence
Identifying With Others April 17, 2016 David Stark S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence
Really Listening is Really Loving April 10, 2016 Bill McKay S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence
The Power of Love April 3, 2016 David Stark S(c)ent: Life on Mission Every Day - Series 2: Love is the Evidence